The vertical bars in the graph show the probable range in Net Benefit for each herbicide based on its efficacy as measured in the experiment reported in Bourdôt et al (2019) and the data entered in sections 1, 2 and 3. Bars are coloured green, orange or red when the Net Benefit range is, respectively, above, straddles or below zero. Many factors affect the efficacy of these herbicides one of which is evolved herbicide resistance in the giant buttercup population. If the same herbicide, or different herbicides with the same Mode-of-Action, have been used repeatedly in the paddock, the giant buttercup may now be resistant to this MOA and the realisable Net Benefit is likely to be at the lower end of the range indicated (or even below). Evolved herbicide resistance can be avoided by rotating between MOAs.
The vertical bars in the graph show the probable range in Net Benefit for each herbicide based on its efficacy as...
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